Challenge 5: Outrageous Cards

Cards are one of the most useful and pervasive patterns on the web. However, our layouts are often boring across breakpoints. Why not work with the space we have to make these layouts more interesting and compelling?

Less than 475px
Mobile portrait version
Min-width: 475px
Mobile landscape version
Min-width: 600px
Tablet version
Min-width: 1025px
Desktop version
Button for 475px breakpoint
Blue button
Button on hover
Blue button
Button for all other breakpoints
Desktop version
Button on hover
Blue button

Questions to consider

Next Level Ideas


The markup for the button depends on whether the button is a link or whether it has a JavaScript action associated with it. Which do you think is correct and why?

Given that we have very different layouts for every card, grouping elements with <div> in your HTML may be risky. You may need control over every individual element for correct placement.

There are two different ways to turn the text 90 degrees. One is via a CSS transform property. The other is with the writing mode in CSS logical properties. Which do you think is better and why?

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